Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Just Like Every Child Is A Winner...

Another submission from regular contributor Captain Dr. "The Original Chip" Mac, esq.

How is that special?  It seems that you have either your special margarita, or your "every day" margarita but one cannot be both.

Editor's Note: Of course you can have a special every day.  I know some people who are very special every day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Well, Lookie Here

Some of the best WTFotos cannot be stopped.  Field correspondent Outlaw said he doesn't even remember taking this but, thankfully, he did.  Click the picture to enbiggen.

Someone at that store has an awesome sense of humor.  My favorite thing about this is the wide selection of sizes offered. Of magnifying glasses that is.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Has Sweeny Todd Set Up Shop?

Field correspondent, Lando, sent this my way.  Click the picture to enbiggen.

Nothing frightening about this sign. The printed letters aren't straight, the arrow is hand drawn and there is a tiny dollar sign (with no price).  And it is "HAIR CUT", singular.  Nope, not a trap at all.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Apparently One Is Enough

Today's post comes from regular contributor Captain Dr. "The Original Chip" Mac, esq.

I found this funny as it is "a" suggestive comment.  What kind of movie would only have one?  Usually it is all or nothing.  And what did that comment suggest; that you must bring your parent along and isn't that when you want to leave your parent at home?  I wanted to rent the movie just to see if I could pick out which comment it was.

Editor's note: Everyone knows how delicate the snowflakes are these days, so even one suggestive comment could cause permanent psychological damage.  The MPAA just cannot take that risk.