Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Sarcastic Much?

Today's post is yet another from the fecund field correspondent, Shu.  Click to enbiggen.

Maybe it is a message of genuine appreciation for those who patronized this establishment. Or it might be a thinly veiled middle finger directed at those who didn't.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Excuse Me, Stewardess? I'd Like To Move.

Today's post is courtesy of our newest field correspondent, The Sheriff.  Click the picture to enbiggen.

On our recent vacation to Honduras, he was seated in an exit row of the airplane.  As he was dutifully reading the airplane safety card, he noticed one requirement that was, let's say, different from the rest.  Let's look at that third-from-last bullet: "sufficient...oral capacity".  Hmm, I've flown a fair amount and don't recall that ever being mentioned.  And I would think that would severely delay the deplaning process.  But I guess they do things differently in Central America.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jesus Had Better Behave Himself

I apologize for the hiatus but I've had a lot going on lately.  I went on a tropical vacation, quit one job and started a new one.  Hopefully I'll get back on track.

Frankie and I took a trip last year during which we visited a botanical garden.  We saw this sign while there.  Click the picture to enbiggen.

"Stay OFF the Pools".  Off, it says.  If that word wasn't in all caps I might just let it slide.  But it says "off" and not "out of".  I assume the author of this sign is wanting visitors to not climb on the stone walls.  But that would have been easy to say: "Stay off walls".  Maybe it does mean to keep out of the water but that "OFF" really is pretty emphatic about what it wants.  So I am left with understanding that they to not want visitors to treat their pools like the Sea of Galilee.