Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Chinese Penis Trap?

We received a shipment at work and I noticed this icon on the box.  Click to enbiggen.

Now I'm certain that is supposed to indicate that two people should lift the box.  But that's really not what is looks like.  What it looks like to me is that Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg have decided to do a sequel to "Dick in a Box".

Update:  I showed this to my coworker, Allute, and he told me that this post should have been named "Dock In A Box".  And he is 100% correct.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Military Has An Interesting Signing Bonus

Mrs. Griz sent this to me a long time ago and I just found it again.  Click the picture to enbiggen.

No, this is not actually a request for women to join the exciting lifestyle of a military spouse as it first appears.  I guess they are trying to hire military wives to do... something.  Or maybe not.  Perhaps it's actually asking for women to become part-time wives.  What I'm saying is that this ad really isn't clear.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Deal Of The Century!

Today's post comes from the ever prolific, Shu.  Click on the picture and send him some love.

He writes:
It's way more than I can eat, but at this price, it's impossible to pass up!