Monday, March 30, 2009

Get It?!?

Get it? Knee-mail! Get It?!?!? KneE-mail!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhh... Woooooooo... *whew*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

This Door Needs a Valium

I found this sign at the local "neighborhood bar and grill" chain restaurant. The door itself is emitting the heavenly glow just out of the frame to the right. My question is this: exactly what does it take to alarm a door? Is it worried about the current status of the economy? Was it just told that that it is expecting the clickity clack of little windows (it was on the pill)?

What concerns me most is that it was simply worried yesterday. It has progressed to being alarmed today. Tomorrow, it will be freaking the hell right out. I don't want to be in the area when that happens.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quite a Racket They Have There

This is one of those things that seems made up: don't use this lighter near flames. What exactly are you supposed to do with this after you buy it; throw it directly in the trash? You have to admit that is quite a marketing concept, sell a product that absolutely cannot be used.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Feel Valued as an... Emploee? Emplyee?

Emploee Fund

Emplyee Fund

So, where I work we have have this thing called the Employee Fund. Basically, it's a lot like paying taxes: they collect money on things ones does (drink coffee, buy candy, wear jeans) and then spend it on stuff one doesn't necessarily support (employee BBQ, "Family Night" at the pool, gift certificates for new parents). Up until recently I have mostly ignored this entity. That is until I noticed subtle clues that they may not truly care about the employees. I can understand a misspelling happening, but two different misspellings on two different signs by two different people? I think I may have to start a conspiracy theory...

Monday, March 16, 2009

80 Bucks for This?

I went grocery shopping the other day in the small town south of where I live (less than 3,000 peeps) because it's usually easier to get in and out quickly. In the frozen section I found a number of packages just like this (click to enbiggen). Now, I love me some crab legs, but who are they kidding? I'm not going to pay more than $20/pound for them even in a restaurant (and that comes with melted butter and rice pilaf). I wonder how long these are going to live in that freezer before they go home with an employee.

As an aside, I placed the crab legs on a stack of boxes of frozen frogs' legs to get a better picture. That place does have an odd assortment of items...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

American "Snacks"

On one of my recent trips (and there have been too many) I found this apron hanging on the wall of a small-town cafe. There are so many good things about it, I'm not sure where to begin. First of all, it is hanging from a bust of a rooster. Second, it says "American Snacks" but was clearly made in a country other than the U.S. I don't know many people who would consider a cheeseburger a "snack." Thirdly, I cannot identify any of the following sandwiches: chicken burger (mayhap a chicken sandwich), surer burger (super burger?, surger burger? Or is it really the second-most-sure burger they have?) and last, but certainly not least, salad toast (seriously, WTF? I have NEVER eaten anything named "salad toast").

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Better Than Loading There, I Guess...

While this isn't exactly a WTFoto, it is humorous. This is the restroom at the ski shop where we rented our equipment (heh, I said "equipment") whilst in Colorado. The funny thing is that I didn't even notice the sign until I was washing my hands.

Pay no attention to the tambourine on the handrail above the toilet. That has nothing to do with this...