Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jesus Had Better Behave Himself

I apologize for the hiatus but I've had a lot going on lately.  I went on a tropical vacation, quit one job and started a new one.  Hopefully I'll get back on track.

Frankie and I took a trip last year during which we visited a botanical garden.  We saw this sign while there.  Click the picture to enbiggen.

"Stay OFF the Pools".  Off, it says.  If that word wasn't in all caps I might just let it slide.  But it says "off" and not "out of".  I assume the author of this sign is wanting visitors to not climb on the stone walls.  But that would have been easy to say: "Stay off walls".  Maybe it does mean to keep out of the water but that "OFF" really is pretty emphatic about what it wants.  So I am left with understanding that they to not want visitors to treat their pools like the Sea of Galilee.

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