Wednesday, April 26, 2017

You, Too, Can Turn Your Lawn Into A Gas Chamber

I saw this product while shopping for wholly unrelated home improvement items a couple weeks ago.  You definitely need to click that picture to enbiggen.

Seriously, I don't know where to begin here.  How about "Pressurized Fumes Find Rodents Fast!" like it's a rodent-seeking missile.  Or "Kills more than one at a time" which is a really positive spin on this indiscriminate approach. Or, worst of all, the underground scene in the lower left corner (which I will not provide a close-up).

On a positive note, you have an excellent option when you finally can no longer live with what you've done.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Men's Room And Grill

I participated in a fund-raiser trivia night a couple weeks ago.  On my first trip to the restroom, I saw this. Click the picture to enbiggen.

Now, I know that right-hand symbol indicates that it has a baby changing table.  But I cannot get over the fact of how much it looks like a grill.  Complete with red dot for the pilot light.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Screw It, Close Enough

Today's post comes from field correspondent Outlaw, who snapped this picture while stopped at a red light.  Click to enbiggen.

Not so much here... or here...