This sign is in the very building in which I work. It includes several amusing items and one frightening one. First, notice the extra hole in the upper left and the fact that the “center” hole is offset allowing the sign to hang at a jaunty angle. It includes the obligatory typo (“inset” fingers), confusing directions (pull elevator doors
outward?), pronoun mismatch ("doors" and "it") and a phrase in all caps with an exclamation point ("DON'T PANIC!" ala
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy). It also promises that in the event of a loss of power, the elevator will “drop down to the bottom floor.” I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want my elevator to do is
DROP. Lower, maybe. Descend, certainly. But NEVER, in any circumstance, drop.
P.S. Yes that is a tap light, adhered with double-sided tape. Classy!