Yet another submission from Dr. "The Original Chip" Mac,

Not the greatest submission ever, but it made me do a lot of math. So I'm watching the news at lunch and see a commercial for a local hotel, and it pans to their lovely pool. Something stuck out that made me back up the
DVR and look again. The pool is 3ft.09M deep. Huh First, lets pick a unit and go with it. Second, does the period go to abbreviate feet, or to indicate .09. If so, then the pool is either 3 ft. or 09 M deep. 9 Meters equals 29.5275521 feet. Can't be that. Maybe it is .09 meters - nope, that would only be 3.54330708 inches. I think it is supposed to be 0.9 meters, which would be a pretty close conversion to 3 feet. Seems like an important place to do your math correctly though.