Here what I consider an example of a classic What The
Foto. I was in a gift/jewelry/candle/gourmet food shop the other day when I found these. This is a stamp for sealing envelopes with wax. The first thing I noticed is that these items have a net weight (click the picture to
enbiggen) because clearly this is the type of thing that is sold by the pound.
So, on to the back...

This is one of the more frightening warnings I have read. Keep away from water AND fire. Keep away from children and pets. Do not ingest?!?! THIS IS NOT A TOY. NON-EDIBLE! How many people have been killed by these things? I guess that it is possible that the stamp could be eaten by a child (it's about the size as a nickel) but that handle is almost six inches long. Someone would have to be pretty determined to get that into their esophagus.
That's what she said!
Unfortunately, no it is not...
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