This sign has been screaming at me for quite some time. So long, in fact, that it finally blended in with the scenery. That is a sad statement on the world today: when something as bizarre as free Wi-Fi at a paint/glass store becomes commonplace. I have no idea why one would even want free Wi-Fi at a paint/glass store. Maybe you’ve taken some pictures of a room where you would like new paint/windows and don’t want to bother with the hassle of bringing them with you. Now you can simply turn on your PC, copy the pictures from your camera over, sign into your Flickr account, upload those room pictures, grab your laptop, head down to the paint/glass store, turn on the laptop, connect to their free Wi-Fi, sign back into the Fickr account, find the correct photos, and show them to the nice paint/glass employee. See how much easier that is.
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