Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random Cat

So we were setting our Wii up to connect to the Internet and this message popped up as it was finalizing the configuration. In case you are missing the point of this picture, there is a small back cat on top of the message box. If you moved the cursor, the cat’s head would follow. Now, I understand that companies like to use little gimmicks to keep customers entertained, but a tiny cat on top of a message box seems particularly random to me. The best part of this WTFoto is that, if you own a Wii, you can replicate it yourself. Go!


Melissa said...

I am too busy playing eXcite Truck to look at the kitty.

Boofer McCatSphincter said...

So if there's a black cat up there, does that mean you'll have bad luck with your downloads?

Biscuit said...

I hope not... That would be a cat-astrophe.