This guest post comes from Griff, who always has an eye for detail…

I was in Ft. Leonard Wood recently and saw this: 2o inches of BEEF! The Super
GIGA pack. I’m worried about the military because the soldiers must be starving if it takes this much dried meat to feed them. In the old days, they made small jackets out of that much hide. I almost bought one but I didn't have 11 freaking dollars.
Ed.: Please note that Griff cleverly used his hand to provide scale to this meat-trocity. Further note how many are hanging there. I'm not sure if that means Super GIGA Beef is extremely popular or if they haven't sold any.
I loves me some jerky, but I find the GIGA beef frightening.
That reminds me of Griff's other meat.....
You mean that it is flat and leathery?
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