I saw this strongbox in the bathroom of a local bar. I found it interesting that there is absolutely nothing on the box to indicate what product it may dispense, what the cost of that product may be, and also the stark contrast to your normal graffiti-ridden dispensers. I also appreciate the added security of the double lock system. The only thing that even hints that this machine may dispense condoms is the ubiquitous refund policy "for refund, insert baby." For all I know, I may have been in the wrong bathroom, as confused as the person that left the sole graffito, and would have only received a Stayfree pad and some Midol for my quarters.
1 comment:
That's a completely fraudulent return policy. The return slots are not nearly big enuogh to insert a baby. At best you can force an arm and MAYBE a leg in before the kid starts screaming bloody murder and the cops show up with their german shepards, tasers and mace. Next thing you know you're face down on a disgusting bathroom floor with a size 13 boot in the back of your neck and some social services chick with fire and rescue emts are trying to figure out how to cancel your refund. I'm just saying. It sucks.
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