So I was enjoying some peanuts the other day (the honey-roasted kind, thank you for asking) and was bored so I started reading the label. In case the giant letters spelling "PEANUTS" on the front were not enough, we have the ingredients (that one I can understand and let slide), the statement "CONTAINS: PEANUT" (well, duh! and I'm not sure why it is singular), and well as this gem: "MANUFACTURED ON EQUIPMENT THAT PROCESSES NUTS." It's that last one that gets me. In how many ways does one need to be told that there is a possibility that the nuts you are about to eat may have at one time touched another nut? There is a bonus warning near the bottom that says to not give nuts to children under 6, due to the choking hazard presented by them.
I say it's time to shake off this oppressive blanket of terror presented by nuts and outlaw them completely. Who's with me?
Your sack contains nut? I thought you got that taken care of?
I'm pretty sure that isn't exactly how that works.
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