Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Who Doesn't Love Gwaltney?

I have several problems with this particular product. First, how many of you out there actually believe that America has a #1 bologna of any kind, yet alone a chicken-based variety. Second, how does a company actually verify such a claim? I don't recall being included in any chicken bologna focus groups. Finally, what the hell is up with the name "Gwaltney"? I'm sure that's the guy who founded this fine company, but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue (unlike their chicken product).


Anonymous said...

I'm also enjoying the two different spelling of bologna.
:D Liralen

Melissa said...

Apparently they are trying to appeal to both the grammatically and phonetically inclined.

Melissa said...

I think it is worth mentioning that this product was enticing the Honduran shoppers with this claim.