Mrs. "The Original Fancy" Mac saw this business on her recent European trip and was kind enough to send it my way.

This one is just too easy! Please add your witticisms in the comments. Allow me to get the ball rolling...
"Funny. It was called The Tight Box before I went in."
***Update*** I knew I could count on you guys and you certainly didn't disappoint. I'm giving 5 bonus points to whomever posted the seafood reference.
I had to strap a 2x4 to my ass before I went in.
Wow, just look at how wide those doors open. I bet the whole team could fit at the same time.
The seating is wide open, but all they serve is fish. And crabs.
Hello...hello...helloooo... Anybody in I'd like to return this for a smaller size...size...size...
If you find any loose change, put it back in the slot for another ride.
Oddly enough, I didn't eat at this establishment. I prefer bangers and spotted dick, which weren't on the menu. BTW, spotted dick is sponge cake with raisins, before you malign my husband.
Fancy Mac
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