Another great catch from W of A&W. He actually saw this in passing and then spent his lunch tracking it down for the pictures. Now that is dedication (other field correspondents take note: the bar has been set).

These are f-
ing fantastic! Click and click to enbiggen. Exactly when did Ferrari start manufacturing Geo Metro convertibles? Things I noted on my first quick glance: the AAA sticker on the bumper, the Netherlands oval bumper sticker, the front hubcap with several chunks missing from it, the gigantic digital clock stuck on the dashboard at a jaunty angle and the tiny additional mirror on the driver’s side mirror. Oh yes, and the chrome Ferrari shield on the trunk and the gold shield in front of the door. Apparently there's a lot more to it, but our intrepid cameraman only got a couple of shots before a curious neighbor came around.
Another thing i noticed... Unless the chrome shield was made as such, he had to drill a hole through it for key entry into the trunk. ~W.
I sometimes think, "Well, if it's harmless happiness..."
But this one has got to hurt the feelings of some avid car people (a stretch, I know) so I say we call the cops or something.
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