I apologize for the poor quality of the first photo. The gentleman behind the counter seemed peeved that I was, I'm sure it appeared, about to take a picture of him, so I rushed it and ended up with a blurry shot.
So, you'll notice that the dispenser is labeled "multi-purpose spoons". Since the fork and knife dispensers were simply labeled "fork" and "knife" I assumed that these were some kind of special spoons, perhaps even sporks! We were in a little cafeteria-type place that served a variety of foods, so that made sense to me. I didn't need a spoon for my Diet Coke, but I had to see what kind of modifications had been made to make these spoons so multi-functional. As you can see in the next photo, I was sorely disappointed.

Now, I don't really understand much about Mormons outside of their special undergarments and their history with bigamist hebephiles. Do their laws go so far as to dictate the use of silverware? "Ice cream and soup? No, surely not." Maybe they're implying that the average tourist is too stupid to see the multiple uses for them. "Debbie, I've got sherbet, pudding and a dish of peas on this here tray...better get a different utensil for each."
1 comment:
I think there must be some secret other purposes for these spoons, not at all limited to the consumption of food.
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