You will probably want to click the picture to
enbiggen. I'm not certain those parents love their children. Note where the slide terminates: right at the precipice of that extremely steep slope. And there is nothing to stop them until they reach the fence. Maybe the parents use it as a punishment: "Eat your
broccoli or I'll make you go slide..."
This is where the Duggars send their kids to thin the herd.
(Is that over the line? I can never tell!) :D Liralen
Clearly the last thing the Duggars are interested in is thinning the herd. BTW, are you stalking me? You posted your comment almost before I finished the post...
I like how they have the sprinkler going to make it extra slippery.
I bet they have contests in the winter to see who can make it all the way through the fence.
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