Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nasty Habit

Our newest correspondent, Agent Superstar, got this from a friend and sent it my way.

I understand the need for a product like this, but it raises so many questions.  I assume it works by making the poop taste bad.  How does one make poop taste worse?  And none the thorough research I've done on the subject (30 seconds or so) mentions that dogs eat poop because it is delicious.  Of course the biggest question is that if it makes what comes out taste that bad, what does it taste like going in?


KB said...

I'm pretty sure the idea of it was to give poop that same bitter taste as that spray on stuff. You know, the stuff you pray on a pair of shoes or whatever else your dog likes to chew on. Only bad thing is I know dogs that actually liked that bitter stuff more.

Thomas said...

very confused about liking this on facebook.

Tom said...

I have a dog who tends to chew on his feet and I've tried the bitter apple spray. I think he believes it is a condiment.