Sodium bicarbonate, aka baking soda (NaHCO3)
Potassium hydrogen tartrate, aka cream of tartar (C4H5KO6)
Cornstarch (C6H10O5)
That's it: two salts and a complex carbohydrate. Not much room for trans fats (or any other type of fat, for that matter). Now I understand truth in labeling, but declaring your product is free of something that it could not possibly contain seems kind of shady.
The claim of being "Produced In A PEANUT-FREE Facility™" (please note the trademark symbol; WTF) is also interesting in that, if you visit their website (http://www.clabbergirl.com/) you will discover that they make exactly two different types of products: baking powder and cornstarch. Where would a peanut sneak in, exactly?
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