I cannot remember which office I was in when I spied this, but I knew it had to be documented. Click the picture to
enbiggen. Where to begin on this? Let's start with the "Plus" section. I'm curious about the history lesson and exactly where the goats have made it to. Moving onto the "How To..." section, you can learn to make soap from goat milk, but apparently the cheese is made from the goat itself. The best article, however, has to be "How to have fun with your goats." Isn't that illegal in most of the United States?
So I'm thinking that the making of a "goat shelter" is probably very similar to making a "tauntaun shelter" in Star Wars.
:D Liralen
Are you suggesting we eviscerate goats when winter sets in?
To clarify, this magazine was not in any office. It was on Kim's coffee table in Wisconsin. Why? "I love goats!", she said.
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